At Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy we are fully committed to improving our students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) mindfulness.
The areas of SMSC are fully embedded into our Values and Expectations. We seek to equally support the students’ academic achievement alongside developing their broader character. All students at KS3 study one lesson of Religious Education and one lesson of PHSCE each week and at KS4 students have one lesson a week of Citizenship. We also have weekly assemblies for each year group and daily form time which cover key topics and give chance for discussion.
Students who meet our Values and Expectations and demonstrate excellence are celebrated through our PDFL system by gaining stamps in lessons, getting board of excellence recognition and through nominations from staff which are shared in assemblies and on our social media platforms.
All subject areas contribute to this provision: modelling the Academies Values and Expectations, having high expectations of students behaviour & conduct in lessons and around the Academy, following the PDFL policy & systems, offering extra-curricular provision and developing Cultural Capital through delivery of well-planned subject curricula.
This encompasses our school value of being respectful of each other and our feelings. Students broaden their imagination and creativity whilst at CLCA alongside understanding other people’s beliefs and values.
At CLCA we always encourage students to recognise the difference between right and wrong, as well as understanding that negative actions have consequences. Students also spend time investigating ethical issues through the well balanced curriculum.
Students adhere to the Values and Expectations of the Academy, participating in school activities beyond the school day as well taking part in work in the local community.
Our students are inspired to accept, respect and celebrate diversity. They learn to appreciate difference and develop their understanding of different cultures in the South Leeds area and beyond. At CLCA our school community is made up of speakers of 45 different languages and we welcome the rich culture and diversity this brings.
The Department for Education sets out five clear strands in their definition of British Values, and the academy wholeheartedly agrees with these:
Our students understand the five key values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance, the curriculum as well as enrichment activities support this. Student planners detail all five areas and they are covered at length within the PSHCE/RE curriculum, as well as extracurricular activities.
Subject teachers all have a role to play in modelling and promoting both SMSC and FBV every day, they do this in a variety of ways. The majority of work is completed within the extensive PSHCE/Citizenship and Religious Education curriculum but all subject areas support the strands.
We are committed to providing independent careers advice to all students and work closely with local colleges and businesses to ensure students remain in Education, Employment or Training when they leave CLCA. We work with the Leeds Enterprise Partnership to secure exciting opportunities for our young people around employability skills such as work within different sectors. We also work with Go Higher West Yorkshire to ensure that higher education in all its forms is open to all who can benefit, regardless of background. Additionally, we have business links with Harrison Spinks and we are launching the PTech qualification in the UK working closely with IBM. Our students have regular contact with businesses, through the assembly programme, internal workshops and events and a dedicated careers week in Key Stage 4.
We have an assembly rota which closely focuses on all areas of SMSC and MBV covering topics that are relevant to young people today. We will invite guest speakers from local colleges and businesses to allow students to hear a range of voices around the issues that relate to them. We cover issues such as fire safety, anti-bullying, reading for pleasure, armistice week and always promote the Values and Expectations of the Academy.